Adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free

Adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free

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- Adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free


Illustrator tools help you create and refine your artwork with adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free, precision, читать статью ease. Based on your expertise and requirements, pick your tools or a combination to draw, paint, reshape, and much more! When you open a document in Illustrator, the default toolbar appears at the left of the screen.

It includes a set /3668.txt tools that you frequently need while working in Illustrator. Click the Edit Toolbar icon to view the complete list of tools. Tools in Illustrator are divided into six categories.

Select any of these categories to learn about the tools within adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free. Draw tools help you to draw and edit objects and paths, and create perspective. You can also add symbols and graphs to your artwork. Pen tool [P] lets you adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free connected lines and curves with precision using anchor points and direction handles.

Pencil tool 25728 lets you draw freehand exp,ained like drawing with a pencil. Delete Anchor Point tool [-] lets you remove anchor points from paths. Arc tool lets you draw arcs. Spiral tool lets you draw spirals and rotate them to adjust the size. Rectangular Grid tool adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free you add rectangular grids. Polar Grid tool lets you add polar grids containing concentric circles нажмите для продолжения radial divisions. Adobd tool [M] lets you draw rectangles and squares.

Rounded Rectangle tool lets you draw rectangles with rounded corners. Ellipse tool [L] lets you draw ellipses and circles. Polygon tool lets you draw polygons of up to sides.

Star tool lets you draw stars of up to illutrator. Flare tool lets you add flare objects that have a bright center, a halo, rays, and rings. Paintbrush tool [B] lets you apply brush strokes freehand. Smooth tool lets you draw over an existing path to smooth it. Path Eraser explauned lets you erase parts of a path segment by drawing over the path.

Join tool lets you join two paths to create a single path. Symbol Shifter tool lets you rearrange symbol instances in a symbol set. Symbol Scruncher tool lets you adjust the spacing between symbol instances in a symbol set. Symbol Sizer tool lets you resize symbol /11530.txt. Symbol Spinner tool lets you rotate symbol instances.

Exp,ained Stainer tool lets you gradually change the hue of symbol instances. Symbol Screener tool lets you adjust transparency of symbol instances. Symbol Styler tool lets you apply a style from the Graphic Styles panel to symbol instances. Column Graph tool [J] lets toops create a graph with data presented as vertical bars. Stacked Column Graph tool lets you create a column graph with partitions that correspond to components of the whole.

Bar Graph tool lets you create a graph with data presented as horizontal bars. Stacked Bar Graph tool lets you create a bar graph with partitions that correspond to components of the whole. Line Graph tool lets you create a graph with lines connecting individual data points, showing the data trend.

Area Graph tool lets you create a graph with lines connecting individual data points, and fills the area below the line with a solid color. Scatter Graph tool lets you create a graph using x-axis and y-axis values. Pie Graph tool lets you create a circular graph with slices corresponding to the proportions of data components. Radar Graph tool lets you adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free a circular graph with axes that grow outward from the center, in which each frse represents a variable.

Slice Selection tool lets you select, move, or transform a slice. Before you work on your artwork, you need to select some or all of its elements. Select tools let you not just select, but move, rotate, scale, and transform your artwork, with varying degrees of precision.

Watch this animation to see some of the Select tools in action. Use the practice file to try them out. Practice and learn. Selection tool [ V ] lets you select an adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free or a group of objects to move and resize. Direct Selection illustratlr [ Перейти на источник ] lets you select anchor points and path segments to reshape objects. Group Selection tool lets you select an object within a group, or a group of objects within a parent group.

Magic Wand tool [ Y ] lets you select objects that share an attribute, like color or opacity. Lasso tool [ Q ] lets you drag to draw a shape around the elements that you want to select.

Navigate tools let you set adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free focus on an area of adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free artwork. You can perform basic actions like zoom in or out, rotate the view, drag artwork, adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free add grids to work on the canvas.

Hand tool [H] lets you move the canvas around to view parts of your artwork. Print Tiling tool lets you adjust the printable area of artboards. Zoom tool [Z] lets you zoom in and out of the canvas.

Illustrator offers a fine collection of vector brushes with which you can apply fills and strokes to elements in your artwork. You can also add blends and build complex shapes to get the desired visual effect. Watch this animation to see some of the Paint tools in action. Gradient tool [G] lets you create a gradual blend between colors. Mesh tool [U] lets you blend colors and create contours on the surfaces of objects. Live Paint Bucket tool [K] lets you create a Live Paint group and apply color, patterns, or gradients to different elements.

Text tools help you to add and edit text type in your artwork. Apart from plain text, you can also add text on a path or in an area, and apply the desired fgee effects. Type tool [T] lets you enter text at a point or in an area. Area Type tool lets you use the boundaries of objects to enter and control the flow of text. Type on a Path tool lets you enter text along the shape of a path.

Vertical Type tool lets you enter text vertically at a point. Vertical Area Type tool lets you use the boundaries illusyrator objects to enter and adobe cs6 offline free the flow of vertical text. Vertical Type On A Path tool lets you enter vertical text along the shape of a path. Watch this animation to смотрите подробнее some of the Modify tools in action. Rotate tool [R] lets you rotate an object around a reference point.

Reflect tool [O] lets you flip an object over a reference point. Scale tool [S] lets you resize an object relative to a reference point. Shear tool lets you slant or skew an object relative to a reference point. Reshape tool lets you reshape a path relative to an anchor point on the path.

Twirl tool lets you twirl an object around a reference point. Pucker tool lets you stretch or shrink an object to перейти a spiky appearance. Bloat tool lets you stretch or shrink an object to give a rounded appearance. Scallop tool lets you add rounded projections on an object's outline.

Crystallize tool lets you add spiky structures on an object's outline. Wrinkle tool lets you add wrinkled structures on an object's outline. Puppet Warp tool lets you add pins to warp an object.

Free Transform tool [E] lets you distort an object freeform. Kllustrator tool lets you measure the distance between two points. Eyedropper tool [I] illustratr you pick a color from one object and apply it to another. Blend tool [W] lets you blend objects or paths together. Scissors tool [C] lets you split a path at a segment or an anchor point. Knife tool lets you cut out objects or text along a freehand path. As you get more familiar with Illustrator tools, you can customize the toolbar according to your Вами crack microsoft office 2013 free free мой. You can choose to group frequently used tools and place them at the top of the toolbar or hide those tools you don't use frequently.

While these tools are powerful in themselves, experienced users often combine multiple tools to achieve more precise and complex results. Watch some tutorials and try out beginner explainev to learn how to combine various tools. If you'd like to be part of a lively creative community, share your artwork on BehanceAdobe's own platform.

The Illustrator toolbar should appear on the left of your canvas by default. If you're unable to locate adobe illustrator cs6 tools explained free or closed it by mistake, learn how to bring back the toolbar. If you have a question to xdobe or an idea to share, come and participate in Adobe Illustrator Community.



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